Bug Breadcrumbs behave differently depending on the "Use full friendly URLs" setting.

There is a bug in this version


Strange behavior is observed if the homepage routing and breadcrumb root are the same.
Spoiler: Options
Screenshot 2024-05-26 at 11-18-04 Basic options Development environment (license for xendev.r...webp

If the "Use full friendly URLs" setting is disabled, the breadcrumb root is displayed on the homepage, if "Use full friendly URLs" is enabled, the breadcrumb root is not visible.
Spoiler: Enable "Use full friendly URLs"
Screenshot 2024-05-26 at 11-25-42 Development environment (license for xendev.ru).webp
Spoiler: Disable "Use full friendly URLs"
Screenshot 2024-05-26 at 11-27-23 Development environment (license for xendev.ru).webp

Looking through the thread the situation is even stranger, the breadcrumbs root is duplicated.
Spoiler: View thread with "Use full friendly URLs" enabled
Screenshot 2024-05-26 at 11-34-44 Test forum in forum.webp
Spoiler: View thread with "Use full friendly URLs" disabled
Screenshot 2024-05-26 at 11-36-48 Test forum in forum.webp

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