XenForo Login Broken: Redirects User to Register after XF 1.5 to 2.2



We just upgraded Android Forums from XF 1.5 to 2.2 and none of our members can properly login:

I can't get in!!

Hey everybody, it's @MoodyBlues but I can't get logged in. I've tried different browsers, but I just get stuck. I can use the "Log in" button at the top, but as soon as I log in, it takes me to a 'register' page. At other times (sorry, I've been experimenting and don't recall exactly), I was...

Trying to login brings them to the register page. Some have found a workaround to do a password reset but it only works temporarily.

Does anyone know what could have caused this? Any solutions or suggestions of things to try?

I already tried to rebuild the User Cache which took several hours and did not improve the situation.

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