Bug XenForo doesn't work because of XF\Db\Exception: MySQL query error [1205]: Lock wait timeout exceede

There is a bug in this version


Hi everyone,
for no reason, last week, our Xen forum got this error and users can no longer write messages or do anything else.

Our setup at the time was: xenforo 2.1, php 7.3.33, mariadb 10.3;
And now we have: xenforo 2.2.8, php 8.0.28, mariadb 10.5.18;
We tried switching the server (dedicated server; cpu AMD EPYC 7313; ram 64gb; disks nvme).
We also tried to disabling crons and addons.
With or without using xf-rebuild.

{Inno db setting}
innodb-flush-method =...

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